Monday, August 4, 2014

Few Simple Steps For Brand Development

10 Simple Steps for Brand Development
  1. Develop your brand story. Your brand speaks about your products/services, your corporate culture, your identity, how you care about your customers, and how you are different from your competitors. Consumers always need a compelling story that matches with their requirements. If your products or services won't deliver that vital value to them, they won't care whatever you do.
  2. Consider your business strategy. Your business and brand are inseparable. They are like body and soul. While formulating your branding strategy, don't forget to include some of your business strategies. For example, if your company is planning to reduce the price of a product, then ensure that this specific information be a part of brand communication.
  3. Identify your target customers. This is the most important part of brand strategy. First, find out who are your target customers. Everybody can't be your customers, if you are not selling products like salt and sugar. You must carry out extensive research to clearly identify your target customers. For example, if you are selling diamond necklace, your target customers should be women with high income group. When your focus becomes narrower, you can ensure faster growth. Be specific while addressing your target audience.
  4. Build your brand positioning. Once you define your target customers, the next step you need to execute is categorizing the customers. You should know which customers groups need your services or products the most. If your competitor is targeting a specific customers group, you can create your own and address them with specific benefits that they would receive. A typical brand positioning statement comprises three to five sentences and captures the essence of what you wish to deliver. Just remember, you must deliver what you would like promise.
  5. Develop your messaging strategy. Messaging is the most powerful tool that translates strangers to you customers. Your messaging should address to your various target audiences such as potential clients, potential customers, opinion leaders, employees, and other stakeholders in you business. While defining your core messaging strategy, you should consider the interest of each audience group. For example, the messaging for your employees should be different from that of your customers.
  6. Develop your corporate identity. This comprises your company name, logo, and tagline. If you are an established organization, you need not to change your name or logo; but if you are a new entrant into a business or at the stage of merger and acquisition, this is very important. For any major business transition, you need to redefine these identity parameters. Remember, while doing all these tasks, ensure a semblance between what your business does and how these corporate identities satisfy the ethos of your business.
  7. Develop your content strategy. Content is king, and always it remains. Content is not just written text, this also includes images, graphics, audio, video, and other multimedia elements. Apart from the type of content, the breadth and depth of content should include the interest of target audience. If the target audience doesn't perceive any worth in your content, your strategy fails. Depending upon the medium, your content structure should change and it must drive your brand visibility.
  8. Develop your web and social media strategy. With the rapid surge in internet population, websites and social media sites are becoming indispensable tools for a business. Your website is the gateway to your products and services. Your audiences generally visit your website to explore everything about you – who you are, what you do, how you do, and for whom you do. Other than your website, your social media sites talk a lot about your activities, and the conversation there goes viral from a loyal customer to the external world. With technology innovation, you can even do wonders through your social media sites. But remember one thing: any wrong message will completely destroy your brand in seconds. So, the content strategy should be the central to your web and social media strategy.
  9. Build your marketing collateral. When your website is ready, you need to publish various sales-driven information to engage your customers and clients with your brand. This task is achieved by marketing collateral, which includes brochures, case studies, feature lists, data sheets, videos, and multimedia presentations. While developing these, keep your brand positioning clear and intact. Never dilute your brand in any sense.
  10. Monitor and modify. This is the last step in the brand development process. While you execute previous nine steps with a great deal of research and deliberation, you never know how the real world would react to all these activities. Now, the step 10 exposes how your brand strategy is performing, how your target audience is reacting, and how your customers are accepting you. At this stage, you need to monitor the performance of brand, and if there is a gap in your strategy and real world needs, you should rectify here and implement the next version of your brand strategy.


Search Engine Optimization in 2014 is too complex for beginners so they must need to follow some Best SEO Tips and Tricks that will boost their Website ranking better in modern Search Engines.
So here we are going to see some Basic and Intermediate SEO Tips and Tricks that helps to improve your website ranking in Search Engine Results Page.
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Tips and Techniques for Keyword Analysis

The Below list will help to improve the Keyword Analysis better.
  1. Use Google Keyword Planner
  2. Find Less Competitive Keywords with high search Volume
  3. Choose Key phrases
  4. List out Relative Keywords by relevance
Google Keyword Planner - Google Keyword Planner is the free SEO tool that is provided by Google and it helps to find out the Keywords search volume and relative Keyword ideas for you. Useful tool compare with other keyword analysis tool because Google is the top Search Engine used by people so it's worth to use this tool. See this 8 Free Google SEO Tools that help to Optimize your website
Less Competitive Keyword with high Search Volume - Finding this one is crucial part of SEO because if you find out this Keyword then you can get high search visitors. More competitor's means ranking high is also too much tough. So find out less completive Keywords.
Choose Key Phrases - Rather than selecting a single Keyword it's better chance to ranking more than one keyword if you chosen Key Phrases. So select Key phrases that works better compare to keywords.

Excellent SEO Tips to improve On-Page optimization

  1. Interesting and Descriptive to read
  2. Quality of the Content
  3. Short and Sweet Title
  4. Relative Meta Description
  5. Optimal Keyword Density Ratio
  6. SEO Friendly Url
  7. Keywords in First Paragraph
  8. Use of Headings
  9. Focusing Keywords
  10. Image Optimization
Interesting and Descriptive article - No one is going to like boring long articles so write your content interest to read and descriptive content that will clear all things about the article title.
Quality of the Content - Don't copy Paste whole content from the other website that never going to bring you traffic. Google has very good eye to find out the Duplicate contents. Avoid Keyword stuffing and other Black-hat SEO tricks.
Shot and Sweet Title - Title must be relative and the Key phrase Keywords must be present in the Title. And in length is better to keep it between 40 to 65 Characters. And read more Tips to Title Tag Optimization.
Relative Meta Description - Writ a short and sweet 156 Characters that will explain your whole story of the article will help to know better in Search Engines Results Page.
Optimal Keyword Density Ratio - Maintain your Keyword Density in the Safe manner to not getting Google Algorithm Penalties.
SEO Friendly URL - Url of the content must be meaning full to the content. Then search Engine highlight the Url Keywords also it's a boosting signal for the SEO.
Keyword in First Paragraph - Use the Keywords in First Paragraph so search Engines know this is the content really explains about the Title.
Use of Headings - Use prober headings tags h1, h2, etc... It will make readability easier and Nice Chapter wise content.
Focusing Keywords - Highlighting the Keyword with strong or em tag will increase the visibility of the point you are really want to reader by people also it's add some weight in SEO.
Image Optimization - One Image can explain everything better than long story content so add an image and Optimize image using proper Alt Tags.

Tips to improve Off-Page SEO

  1. Use of Social Media
  2. Quality Link Building
Use of Social Media - Use of Social Media not going to build follow back links but it's a powerful source to deliver traffic to the website. Traffic signal is also important factor in SEO so use the social media to get traffic.
Quality Link Building - Don't build your Link too much faster. Quantity of Back links that's not matter Quality will Matter. So write your articles good and interesting then the Back link will flow automatically to your content.

Useful SEO Tricks for 2014

  1. Find LSI Keywords
  2. Use LSI Keywords more
  3. SEO Check Up
Find LSI Keywords - Find the Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords related to your keywords using different methods available in the internet.
Use LSI Keywords more - Rather than Keyword stuffing the new idea use mixes it up LSI Keywords with Keywords as Keyword Stuffing. Use it in all important On-Page SEO Factors.
SEO Check Up - Take SEO Check Up and using different tools available in the Internet and improve the SEO Score by fixing by the tips then you can get a better rank in SERP.
Add a Bookmark of this Page above Tricks will be updated in regular manner to maintain the Quality of the Article.

Necessaries of SEO Tips and Tricks in 2014

Competitive world everything will have some Guidelines and rules that must we need to follow. So we need to follow this techniques to survive our ranking in search Engines.
Always one thing we need to remember in SEO that is if we write Unique and Good Articles that is interest to read for a user not for search engines this is the one rule always survives you in SERP.
Hope this SEO Tips and Tricks will helps to boost your rank in Google in 2014.